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What is an EMP501 - and when is it due 18 Mar 2023    •    E An Employer Reconciliation is a report of all employees' earnings, which must be submitted to SARS each year of assessment.

What is an EMP201 & How does it work 25 Mar 2023    •    E EMP201 is a tax return that is submitted by an Employer to SARS on a monthly basis. All Employers who deduct payroll tax from their Employees must submit EMP201

What is an Expense? 31 Mar 2023    •    E An expenditure is the operational cost that a business bears to produce income. One simply defines it as the cost one must spend to obtain something.

What are Exempt Supplies - what effect does it have on VAT 06 Sep 2023    •    E Exempt Supplies mean a supply of goods or services which are supplies not subject to VAT under the VAT Act.

What is Equity in South Africa 31 May 2024    •    E In financial terms, equity refers to a stake in property that can be counter balanced by debts or other financial obligations.

What is EBITDA and how do I calculate it? 27 Jun 2024    •    E EBITDA, which stands for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, helps evaluate a business’s core profitability.

What is EBIT? Earnings Before Interest and Tax 29 Jun 2024    •    E Determining the financial health of your business can be difficult. Numerous metrics to consider, and the figures don't always add.

What is Emigration? 10 Sep 2024    •    E Emigration refers to the process of leaving one's home country to settle in another nation. Leaving one country for another can be an emotional and difficult decision.